Supported File Types

The file scan API has first-class support for text extraction and scanning on all MIME types enumerated below.

Certain file types receive special handling, such as tabular data and archives of Git repositories, that results in more precise information about the location of findings within the source file.

Handling of MIME Types Not Listed

Files with a MIME type not listed below are processed using an unoptimized text extractor. As a result, the quality of the text extraction for unrecognized types may vary.

Accepted Text and Derivatives

  • application/json

  • application/x-ndjson

  • application/x-php

  • text/calendar

  • text/css

  • text/csv (treated as tabular data and may be redacted )

  • text/html

  • text/javascript

  • text/plain

  • text/tab-separated-values (treated as tabular data)

  • text/tsv (treated as tabular data)

  • text/x-php

Accepted Office Formats

  • application/pdf

  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation

  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (treated as tabular data)

  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

  • application/ (treated as tabular data)

Accepted Archive and Compressed File Types

  • application/bzip2

  • application/ear

  • application/gzip

  • application/jar

  • application/java-archive

  • application/tar+gzip

  • application/

  • application/war

  • application/x-bzip2

  • application/x-gzip

  • application/x-rar-compressed

  • application/x-tar

  • application/x-webarchive

  • application/x-zip-compressed

  • application/x-zip

  • application/zip

Accepted Image File Types

  • image/apng

  • image/avif

  • image/gif

  • image/jpeg

  • image/jpg

  • image/png

  • image/svg+xml

  • image/tiff

  • image/webp

Rejected MIME Types

The file scan API explicitly rejects requests with MIME types that are not conducive to extracting or scanning text. Sample rejected MIME types include:

  • application/photoshop

  • audio/midi

  • audio/wav

  • video/mp4

  • video/quicktime

Spreadsheets and Tabular Data

File scans of Microsoft Office, Apache parquet, csv, and tab separated files will provide additional properties to locate findings within the document beyond the standard byteRange, codepointRange, and lineRange properties.

Findings will contain a columnRange and a rowRange that will allow you to identify the specific row and column within the tabular data wherein the finding is present.

This functionality is applicable to the following mime types:

  • text/csv

  • text/tab-separated-values

  • text/tsv

  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

  • application/

Apache parquet data files are also accepted.

Below is a sample match of a spreadsheet containing dummy PII where a SSN was detected in the 2nd column and 55th row.

         "path":"Sheet1 (5)",
            "name":"US social security number (SSN)",

Redacting CSV Files

Findings within csv files may be redacted.

To enable redaction in files, set the enableFileRedaction flag of your policy to "true"

The csv file will be redacted based on the configuration of the defaultRedactionConfig of the policy

Below is an example curl request for a csv file that has already been uploaded .

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer NF-<Your API Key>' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "policy": {
          "detectionRuleUUIDs": [
          "alertConfig": {
               "email": {
                    "address": "<your email addres>"
          "defaultRedactionConfig": {
               "maskConfig": {
                    "charsToIgnore": [
                    "maskingChar": "*"
          "enableFileRedaction": true

     "requestMetadata": "csv redaction test"

When results are sent to the location specified in the alertConfig (in this case an email address) a redactedFile property will be set with a fileURL in addition the findingsURL

   "requestMetadata":"csv redaction test",

This redacted file will be a modified version of the original csv file.

Below is an example of a redacted csv file.

Ulric Burton,*****@*************,*-***-***-****,TEL82EBM1GQ
Wade Jones,******************@***********,(********-****,VVF64PJV2EF
Molly Mccullough,*****************@**********,(********-****,OHO41SFZ2BR
Raja Riggs,************@**********,(********-****,UVD51JTE5NZ
Colin Carter,**********************@*********,(********-****,LNI34LLC5WV// Some code

Git Repositories

Nightfall provides special handling for archives of Git repositories.

Nightfall will scan the repository history to discover findings in particular checkin, returning the hash for the checkin.

In order to scan the repository, you will need to create a clone, i.e.

git clone

This creates a clone of the Nightfall go SDK.

You will then need to create an archive that can be uploaded using Nightfall's file scanning sequence.

zip -r directory

Note that in order to work, the hidden directory .github must be included in the archive.

When you initiate the file upload sequence with this file, you will receive scan results that contain the commitHash property filled in.

Using the Nightfall go SDK archive created above, a simple example would be to scan for URLs (i.e. strings starting with http:// or https://), which will send results such as the following:

         "beforeContext":"tp\"\n\t\"os\"\n\t\"time\"\n)\n\nconst (\n\tAPIURL = \"",
         "afterContext":"\n\n\tDefaultFileUploadConcurrency = 1\n\tDef",

Support for Large Repositories

Currently, processing is limited to repositories with a total number of commits lower than 5000.

Large repositories result in a large volume of data sent at once. We are working on changes to allow these and other large surges of data to be processed in a more controlled manner, and will increase the limit or remove it altogether once those changes are complete.

Sensitive Data in GitHub Repositories

If the finding in a GitHub repository is considered to be sensitive, it should be considered compromised and appropriate mitigation steps (i.e. secrets should be rotated).

To retrieve the specific checkout, you will need to clone the repository, i.e.

git clone

You can then checkout the specific commit using the commit hash returned by Nightfall.

cd nightfall-go-sdk
git checkout 53e59684d9778ceb0f0ed6a4b949c464c24d35ce

Note that you are in a 'detached HEAD' state when workin with this sort of check out of a repository.

File Scanning Limitations

  • CSV Files: Only the first 250,000 rows will be scanned.

  • Spreadsheet Files: Up to 100,000 rows per sheet will be scanned, with a maximum of 1 million rows across all tabs in multi-sheet spreadsheets.

  • PDF Files: Scanning is limited to the first 100 pages, including a maximum of 50 images within those pages.

  • Images: Images smaller than 5KB or larger than 50MB will be excluded from scanning.

  • Archive Files: A maximum of 1,000 files will be extracted and scanned. Files larger than 100MB requiring extraction will not be scanned.

Last updated

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