DLP APIs Rate Limits - Native SaaS apps

Request Rate Limiting

Your Request Rate Limiting throttles how frequently you can make requests to the API. You can monitor your rate limit usage via the `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` header, which tells you how many remaining requests you can make within the next second before being throttled.


Your Quota limits how many requests you can make within a given period. Your current remaining quota and the end of your current quota period are denoted by the following response headers.

Response HeadersTypeDescription



The requests remaining in your quota for this period. Will be reset to the amount specified in your billing plan at the end of your quota cycle.



The date and time at which your quota will be reset, encoded as a string in the RFS-3339 format.

For the free plan, we allow 5 requests per second and 10000 requests in a day.

Last updated