Compliance Use Cases

Organizational compliance is one of the leading drivers that require DLP tooling such as Nightfall. These are the recommended configurations for each compliance framework.




HIPAA Compliance

Use the Protected Health Information

(PHI) detector

Set Minimum Confidence level to Likely

Set alert to trigger on Any Detectors

Depending on the type of healthcare organization, disclosure of personal information may disclose PHI (e.g., a sufficiently uniquely named person going to a health provider like an AIDS clinic would likely disclose the person’s PHI).

PCI Compliance - Text

Use the Credit Card Number

Set Minimum Confidence level to Likely

Set alert to trigger on Any Detectors

For greater rigor, set on each of your locale’s detection rules alongside the Person Name detector configured to trigger with All Detectors, per:

PCI/PII Compliance - Images

Use the Drivers License Image, Passport Image, US Social Security Image, Credit Card Image detectors

Set Minimum Confidence level to Very Likely Set alert to trigger on Any Detectors

These detectors analyze the layout and formatting of content within images, accurately identifying government-issued ID documents from any nation and payment cards from any institution.

ACH Compliance

  • Use the US Bank Routing and Person Name detectors

  • Set Minimum Confidence level to Likely

  • Set alert to trigger on All Detectors

GLBA Compliance

  • Use the SWIFT and US Bank Routing detectors

  • Set Minimum Confidence level to Likely

  • Set alert to trigger on Any Detectors

ISO 27001 Compliance for v2022

  • Enable all Secrets detectors:

    • API key

    • Cryptographic key

    • Database Connection String

    • GCP credentials

    • Password in code

  • Set Minimum Confidence level to Likely

  • Set alert to trigger on Any Detectors

Other detectors that exist are not recommended for use for the above compliance frameworks. For all use cases, Nightfall further recommends:

  • Tune and amend Minimum Confidence over time in accordance with your violations and data set

  • Scoping should cover all locations where the sensitive data should not be disclosed

  • Using Exclusion Rules to reduce false positives and fine-tune alerts

  • Reporting false positives for machine learning training to

Last updated