Applying Actions on Events

When an Event is registered, a Nightfall admin can take suitable action on the registered Event. The action(s) performed on an Event ensures that the prevention of sensitive data leakage. Nightfall provides a set of actions that the Nightfall admin can implement. The actions vary for each integration. You can implement an action on an Event from the Event list view or Event detail view.

While Annotations are applied to individual Findings, Actions apply to the entire Event.

When a new Event is registered, by default, the Event is assigned the Active status and you can find it under the Active tab. The Pending tab displays the list of violations on which you have taken some action but have not yet resolved them. The Resolved tab displays the list of violations that have been resolved.


You must act on the active violations within 30 days. If you do not perform any action on an active violation within 30 days, the violation expires and moves to the Expired tab.

You can apply an action on a Violation either from the Violation list view page or the Violation details page, as displayed in the following image.

The actions menu in the detail view page displays the same list of actions as in the case of the ellipsis menu. Additionally, you can view a few more actions in the action menu which may not be present in the ellipsis menu.

Event Actions

The list of Actions provided by Nightfall are as follows.

The action copies the link to the Event. You can save or send this link to directly open the Event. This action is available only on the Event detail view.

View in <integration name>

This action opens the document from within the integration that contains sensitive data. This action is available only on the Event detail view.

Download Original Content:

This action downloads the file that contains sensitive data. If the file is deleted or moved to a different location within OneDrive, this action fails. This action is available only on the Event detail view.


This action moves the Event to the Ignored tab. For Google Drive, you can choose to Ignore multiple existing Events or future violations simultaneously. To learn more about the Ignore all feature in Google Drive, see Managing Google Drive Events (step 5).


Acknowledge action sends an email alert about the policy Event to the email account associated with your login.


This action allows you to notify end users about the Event. The notification can be via Slack, Email or MS Teams (varies for each integration)

Send to JIRA

This action allows you to select a JIRA project and create a ticket for this Event.


This action redacts the sensitive data found.


This action temporarily moves files or sensitive data from the original place in which it was discovered to a quarantined Nightfall space for further review. You can restore the quarantined items or permanently remove them by approving or rejecting them through Nightfall alerts.

This action modifies the link setting to anyone signed in to an account in your organization to use the link to your file.

Disable Download

This action applies to Google Drive integration and disables download, print, and copy actions for Commenter and Viewer roles. Editor roles will retain all actions.

Delete Attachment

This action deletes the attachment with sensitive tokens in a ticket comment (public replies and internal notes). You cannot revert this action.

Mark as Private

This action modifies the permissions of a ticket comment from a public reply to an internal note. Converting to an internal note means the ticket comment will no longer be visible to the end user. This action is permanent.

Remove Access

This action removes the page from the web and/or removes guest access to the page. This action is active when it applies to the page at the time of the violation

Notify GitHub

This action is specific to the GitHub integration and sends a notification to GitHub about the violation.


This action marks the violation as resolved. You can revert this action.

Actions Supported for each Integration

The following table displays the list of all the Nightfall integrations and the Actions supported for each of these integrations.

Integration nameAvailable Actions


Ignore Acknowledge Notify Slack Notify Email Send to JIRA Redact Delete Resolve

Google Drive

Ignore Acknowledge Notify Slack Notify Email Send to JIRA Change Link Settings Disable Download Resolve


Ignore Acknowledge Notify Slack Notify Email Send to JIRA Redact Delete Resolve


Ignore Notify Send to JIRA

Quarantine Redact Delete (Nightfall supports both, deletion of messages and attachments) Resolve


Ignore Acknowledge Send to JIRA Redact Delete Resolve


Ignore Acknowledge Send to JIRA Redact

Mark as Private

Delete Attachment

Notify Slack

Notify Email Resolve


Ignore Resolve


Send to JIRA Acknowledge Ignore Notify GitHub Notify Email Resolve


Send to JIRA Ignore Acknowledge Notify Slack Notify Email

Remove Access

Delete Attachment Redact Resolve

MS Teams

Ignore Acknowledge Notify Email

Notify Slack Notify Teams

Change Link Settings

Disable Download Resolve


Ignore Acknowledge Notify Email Notify Slack Notify Teams Delete File Move to Recycle Bin Restrict to Owner Resolve


Ignore Acknowledge Notify Email Notify Slack Resolve

Last updated