Remediation for Data Encryption

A data encryption event is created every time a sender sends an encrypted email.

This document explains where you can find event notifications on policy violations and what actions can be taken.

Nightfall Events Page

To view the encryption events in Nightfall:

  1. Click Data Encryption from the left menu.

  2. (Optional) Click the time filter and configure the required time period to view historic encryption events. By default, the time filter is set to Last 7 Days.

The list of encryption events is displayed. For more details on the encryption events, see Encryption Events Page document.


Email Notifications

If you have enabled Admin Alerting , Nightfall admins receive a notification through one of the configured channels. The email notification consists of a set of actions that the admin can take and looks as follows.

Slack Notifications

If Slack notifications are enabled, the admin receives a Slack notification as follows.

When Nightfall admin takes an action either from Slack or Email notification, the status of the event is automatically updated in the Nightfall Events Page.

Last updated