Creating a Strong Password
Please secure your Nightfall account with a strong password upon creation.
Password creation guidelines
No more than 2 identical characters in a row
Special characters (!@#$%^&*)
Lower case (a-z), upper case (A-Z), and numbers (0-9)
Must have a minimum of 8 characters
Enabling SAML SSO
SAML SSO Setup is now available for almost any SAML SSO identity provider (Okta, Azure, etc).
To enable SAML SSO, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager at Nightfall. They will require the following information from you:
Sign In URL
X509 Signing Certificate
Sign Out URL
A list of users (first name, last name, and email address) to whom you would like to give Nightfall accounts
Once you have provided those details, your Success Manager will schedule a configuration session with you to finalize the setup.
Last updated