Users and Roles

The User management page allows you to add or remove users to the Nightfall application. A Nightfall admin has the privileges to add or remove users to the Nightfall console. To perform user and Roles related activities, you must navigate to the Users and Roles page.

To navigate to the Users and Roles page,

  1. Click the Settings icon.

  1. Click Users & roles.

The Users & roles page is as follows.

Adding Users

To add new users to Nightfall, you must invite them. The steps are as follows.

  1. Click + Invite User.

  1. Enter the name of the user in the Name field.

  2. Enter the email ID of the user in the Email field.

  3. Select a role for the user from the role drop-down menu. Refer to the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) document to learn more about user roles.

  4. Click Invite.

The invited user receives an invite email. They must click the link and set a password to activate their account.

Users who successfully activate their account are displayed as active users and their status is displayed as Active under the Status column. A user who does not accept the invite is displayed as Expired under the Status column.

Admins can resend the invite email to Expired users by clicking the ellipsis menu.

As you can see in the above image, Admins can also edit or delete users from the Nightfall app from the ellipsis menu.

Last updated