Applying Bulk Actions on Violations
Nightfall allows you to perform actions on a large set of violations. The Violations page displays a maximum of 50 violations. With Bulk actions, you can choose to implement an action either on the 50 violations which are currently displayed on the screen or on all the violations including the 50 displayed on the violation page.
You can apply bulk action on a set of violations, only if all the violations belong to a specific integration. Hence, you must use the filter on the integration screen to view only those violations which belong to a specific integration.
You cannot apply remediation actions on expired violations. Violations expire automatically after 30 days.
For example, you can apply filter to display on violations reported by the Salesforce integration. Once you apply the filter to view only Salesforce integrations, you can then apply bulk action on all the Salesforce violations.
To use the Bulk actions feature:
Navigate to the Violations screen in Nightfall.
Apply an integration filter to view the list of violations which belong to a specific integration. You must select only a single integration. If you select multiple integrations, you cannot usd the Bulk actions feature.
Select the Finding check box. The 50 violations displayed on the screen are selected.
(Optional) You can also choose to select all of the violations that beloing to the filtered integration.
Select one of the actions to be performed on all the selected violations.
Click Confirm to proceed with the bulk action.
Last updated